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A Story of Inspiration 

Your book has been calling to me from the shelf where it sat because I had other "deadline" reading to do.  Then, a few days ago, I got word that an international journal will publish my paper, Writing an Ethnic Identity Between Worlds:  Reclaiming and Maintaining a Franco-American Self after I revise it and tone down my criticism of the mixed role the RC policy of la survivance played in the heritage of Franco-Americans.  True, it preserved their faith, language and religion.  It is also true, that after a point, it became an abusive, controlling policy of the elite that traumatized rather than protected, held back rather than bolstered the ordinary Franco-American.   As I struggled with how to temper but not dilute this point, I thought of your book.  It is now off my shelf and open before me.  

Once I began reading it, I couldn't put it down.  Your courage in revealing the human cost that iconic religious institutions can inflict is a beacon for me as I approach this revision and resubmission.    I am telling you this as much to shore up my own courage as to let you know how appreciative I am of yours.  The telling creates an accountability that will help me hold to my course, I am sure. 


...From Caroline LeBlanc.  Caroline LeBlanc, artist, writer & workshop leader, has been published in the US & abroad.  Her chapbook,  Smokey Ink and a Touch of Honeysuckle(2010) contains poems about  her Acadian/Franco-American heritage & life as a military veteran, spouse & mother.  She created & leads Writing For Your Life© programs for US soldiers, veterans and family members.