In Support of American Sisters
I've written several articles and given a few interviews in support of the Leadership Conference of Women Religious, an umbrella group of brave American nuns under fire from the Vatican. Links to these pieces, and to comments of others, are below.
To discuss the Vatican's recent crackdown on American nuns, please visit and "like" my Facebook page and the Support Our Catholic Sisters Facebook page. Sign a petition in support of the LCWR. Support nunjustice.
Mary's articles:
"Nuns In Street Clothing Shouldn't Frighten Vatican" Bloomberg January 23, 2012 This article was widely discussed, including on the following sites:
- "Often Overlooked, Sisters Are At Equality Forefront"- From Eternity To Here
- "Nuns- are they a force for good or...?"- Linen on the Hedgerow
- "A Habit of LGBT Equality"- New Ways Ministry
- "The Catholic Crackdown on Feminism"- Big Think
"American Nuns Will Not be Bullied" - The Huffington Post April 24, 2012
"The Vatican Lays a Cunning Trap for American Nuns" - The Huffington Post May 21, 2012 This piece has been widely reprinted (Disclaimer: permission to reprint Mary's article does not imply that Mary endorses the positions of the publisher).
- CathNewsUSA
- Democratic Underground
- Right Truth
- Honduras Weekly
- Feminism and Religion
- Enlightened Catholicism
- Association of Roman Catholic Women Priests
- Bishop Accountability
- Reason-being cited the article
"Sisters are Women of Conviction" - The Albany Times Union May 25, 2012, reposted at the I Stand with the Sisters webpage.
"The Nuns Who Once Taught the Bishops Aren't Done Yet" - Religion News Service June 4, 2012
Mary's interviews:
- With the Daily Beast on April 27, 2012 and again on June 1, 2012. (Picked up by UCAN-IN, the Indian Catholic News website as well as Austin Supporters of Call to Action)
- With Bert Cohen on May 8, 2012 (Audio link)
- With Michael Charney and Eric Byler of the Coffee Party on June 5, 2012 (Audio link)
Links to others who have spoken out:
- On America magazine's blog: Franciscan Leadership Declares "Solidarity" with LCWR
- See also this great video from Fr. Jim Martin, SJ: Thank You, Sisters
- Ongoing coverage of the issue from the National Catholic Reporter
- A thoughtful article, published anonymously at Commonweal by a real Sister still walking the walk.
- From the secular world; this commentary on the CBS news page.
The Colbert Report | Mon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c | |||
Radical Feminist Nuns - Simone Campbell | ||||
Sister Simone Campbell talks with Stephen Colbert about being a Catholic sister today.