Winter Solstice with the Yale Humanist Community
December 20, 4 PM, Upper New Haven Green across from Phelps Gate, New Haven, CT
Winter Solstice: Creating Light and Warmth During the Coldest, Darkest Time of the Year
Most of us can identify with the sentiment behind Shakespeare’s words: “Winter, thy breath be rude.” On the eve of the Winter Solstice, despite winter’s ill-bred manners, join members of the Yale Humanist Community for a celebration of winter’s beauty and unexpected gifts—including the announcement of an exciting public art project, with details about how you can get involved. Mary Johnson will facilitate a celebration of our ability, even during the coldest and darkest time of the year, to come together to create light and warmth, as we re-commit to the well-being of the people who inhabit our city, nation, and world. All are welcome to the recption following the celebration. The recpetion will be at The Grove, 760 Chapel Street, New Haven, Connecticut.