I have read few books that have so moved me as yours. Thank you for sharing in such an honest way. I can only imagine how hard and painful it was to write much of this book, but what a gift to the rest of us.
I recently told the story of my 14-year marriage to an alcoholic and addict to my Unitarian Universalist congregation as part of a sermon inviting the congregation to consider beginning an Recovery/Addictions Ministry. While it doesn't compare to what you have done, I saw many parallels in your story to the one that I lived, such as the conflict that results when your inner truth doesn't match your day-to-day life, and the extremes to which our bodies will go to give voice to that truth. Most affirming, however, was seeing in another's life the fullness of being that results from honest searching and then honoring the path that is right for you.
- Lynn Mumma