I am not sure if you get letters far from India but here I am from New Delhi, India, writing to you after being moved by reading your book.
I got to know about An Unquenchable Thirst from Youtube while searching for some videos on Mother Teresa. Most of the people who come to India from foreign lands expect Indians to know about Mother Teresa more than they know or have read. We also take pride in talking about her and taking them to see the MC house. I am a big fan of Mother Teresa. I talk to many people about Mother and her work which of course is inseparable from her person. Your book has helped me know her better in ways more than one.
There is something strange in your book that kept me glued to it, sometimes throughout the night. The language of the book makes for an easy connection and I instantly could see my life connected to what I read. As a man attracted to other men, temptations of all kinds have taken me to wrong paths. At times I am annoyed with my weak will. Once I even wanted to join some religious group and leave temptations behind but then as I started meeting interesting people in life I felt the energy surrounding me is asking more from me and definitely not celibacy.
People ask me what practices of Mother Teresa I follow, since I announce her to be my inspiration. Actually I tried but was unable to follow on her footsteps religiously. You on the other hand, got inspired by a magazine cover and took a giant step, that’s commendable. Living the MC life once must have changed you in person forever. There must be many people who at least once in their life got inspired by someone well known and started following the same path and later on the way felt that this is not what they wanted to do. Each soul on earth has a purpose to be here and recognizing the same is a difficult task. Your book helps people reach God and their purpose in more ways than one. I know for sure now that doing good things that I feel strongly about will bring me closer to God and render me good results. I need not do what Mother Teresa did, all I have to do is keep her values and beliefs alive in me.
Akash Mahajan works as project manager with a digital publishing services firm in New Delhi in India. He is a journalist by education. Most of his days’ time either goes in reading articles and books or writing on topics he feels strongly about.