Your honesty and integrity captured my attention
Saturday, February 16, 2013
Mary Johnson

As a woman who once considered a vocation in a religious order, who formerly served as a chaplain and now serves as Executive Director of an organization that offers respite to non-believing religious leaders, I want to first say thank you.

Mary’s story unfolds on the pages of An Unquenchable Thirst with such honesty and integrity that it captured my attention from the very first page. At times I found myself laughing out loud and at others I was moved to tears. This book challenged me to look back on my life before I left the church and recognize the elements where I can still see value. I also found myself mourning for the suffering of nuns who diminish themselves for a church that hates and admonishes them.

This book challenges both the church and its believers to look at the error if its methods and to embrace humanity in all its diversity of expression. It also challenges non-believers, atheists and skeptics alike, to see that religious practice and good works can transform an individual, their community, and in some instances the world.

If I have taken one thing away from Mary’s story it is this; life can take you to unexpected places, and that is both terrifying and wonderful!

Catherine Dunphy is the acting Executive Director of the Clergy Project. The Clergy Project is a confidential online community for active and former clergy who do not hold supernatural beliefs. The Clergy Project’s goal is to support members as they move beyond faith.

Article originally appeared on Mary Johnson (
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