Mary Johnson's "An Unquenchable Thirst" is a compelling story that is at once highly personal, and at the same time, timeless. It is the story of the author's journey through her 20+ years with the Missionaries of Charity, but it is also the story of a young woman struggling to find a direct connection to God, and ultimately to love. It is the story of anyone who has ever questioned a life choice, and it is also the story of anyone who has ever committed with all of their soul to that very same choice. The book is emboldened by an unflinching honesty and self-reflection that Mary displays on every page. Were it not for Mary's unrelenting ability to expose her deepest truths, the story would not have had such an effect upon its reader.
Personally, Mary's story spoke to the challenges that I have experienced in my life to honor my truth, and to follow my heart even when no one else could understand my choices. It spoke to the times in my life that I have felt completely stuck, paralyzed by doubt, and also to the times where I have felt empowered and proud of bold choices that I have made. I am currently 33 years old, so Mary's story about those particular twenty years of her life (19-39) also gave me hope that transformation and a new life is always possible for any of us, regardless of our circumstances.
Ultimately, Mary's book leaves the reader with a deep insight into the human condition. We experience the agony of self-denial, the impulsive urge for love, the dignity and honor of commitment, and the bravery and strength of self-expression. The reader's life is truly enriched for having read "An Unquenchable Thirst".
-Kate Jackett lives in upstate NY and is currently crafting her own path as an astrologer, anti-bias facilitator, employee of cause-driven organizations, and more. She loves animals, especially her dogs Rudy and Little Bear, and enjoys swimming, dancing, and listening to music. She practices meditation and enjoys reading philosophical/spiritual books.