Former Member Of A Religious Community Weighs In
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Mary Johnson

I am an Amazon Top Reviewer but also a person who spent 7 years in religious life. Your book was honest and raw ... it definitely touched something in me and sparked some of those old feelings. I am a married lesbian now (I didn't know then what I know now after so many engagements to men). This book was a great, refreshing read to help understand the humanity behind religious life.

We are all humans.

...From Diana de Avila Diana de Avila is a former Soldier who served in the Army (Military Police) and spent several years in religious life in two separate communities before discovering she was called to be a lay person.  She studied School Psychology and has worked in Information Technology.  She is married to her spouse Cecilia and lives in Upstate, NY.

Article originally appeared on Mary Johnson (
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